(VIDEO) Ray J ARRESTED For B3ATING Princess Love After His Own Child CALLED COPS

Ray J’s Messy Divorce Drama: Cops, Kids, and All the Chaos

Looks like Ray J might be in some serious trouble, folks. According to a leaked phone call, his six-year-old daughter allegedly called the cops on him for “putting hands” on his soon-to-be ex-wife, Princess Love. Yeah, you read that right—his kid felt like things were so bad that the police needed to step in 😳.

To make matters worse, there’s footage of Ray J seemingly trying to manipulate his daughter into changing her story, essentially gaslighting a six-year-old. I mean, wow, Ray J, could this get any messier? Well, buckle up, because it does.

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The History of Drama

First off, this ain’t the first time Ray J and Princess Love have made headlines for their chaotic relationship. The couple has been on and off more times than I can count, with multiple divorce filings over the years. Most recently, Princess Love filed for divorce for the fourth time in February, which tells you just how complicated things have been. Fourth time’s the charm, right? 🤷‍♀️

The main drama in this latest chapter? Rumor has it that Ray J has been physically abusive towards Princess, and apparently, it’s been happening for years, even with the kids around. Allegedly, it got so bad recently that their kids—who are used to seeing their parents argue—thought their mom might not make it out alive. Yep, it’s that bad 😔.

Kids Step In, Police Get Called

So, what led to the cops being called? Reports say Ray J’s daughter witnessed him being aggressive toward Princess and decided to step in. The six-year-old reportedly called the police, trying to protect her mom and get her dad in trouble. Imagine the scene: a little girl thinking she has to be the adult in the room. Heartbreaking 💔.

In leaked audio, you can hear Ray J trying to convince his daughter that “nothing bad happened,” asking if he or Princess ever hit each other, as if he’s coaching her into a new story. “This is just a movie,” he tells her, like everything’s one big misunderstanding. Yeah, because kids are totally making things up when they’re terrified, right? 🙄

The Struggle Continues

This incident isn’t out of nowhere either. If you’ve been following Ray J and Princess Love’s saga, you’ll remember the infamous 2019 Vegas incident. Princess accused Ray J of leaving her and their daughter, Melody, stranded and then blocking her calls. Ray J, in true Ray J fashion, flipped the narrative and made it seem like she was overreacting.

Let’s not forget, this guy even had the audacity to go on IG, turning himself into the victim, talking about how they should be stronger as a couple and how they could work through anything. All this while he was the one messing up. 🙄 Classic gaslighting, folks.

In the end, Princess forgave him. We don’t know why, but hey, people make their own decisions. Still, it feels like the same song is on repeat with Ray J’s apologies. The man even blamed the situation on the devil at one point, saying, “the devil’s trying to mess things up,” but he wasn’t strong enough to break up their family. Spoiler alert: Ray J didn’t need the devil’s help—he’s doing fine on his own. 😬

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More Filings, More Drama

After one too many apologies and false promises, Ray J filed for divorce again in October 2021. This time, it was for “irreconcilable differences” (shocker). But wait—just months earlier, he was literally begging the court to throw out his divorce papers after his first filing. The back-and-forth here could make your head spin.

Word is, Ray J got mad at Princess for leaving him alone while he was in the hospital with pneumonia. Apparently, that was enough for him to say, “I’m done,” but only until he bounced back from the illness and started playing happy family again 🙃.

But no, things didn’t magically improve. As soon as he was back on his feet, their relationship blew up once again, because Ray J, being Ray J, allegedly went physical again.

A Father’s Influence? Not the Good Kind

The tipping point seems to have been when Ray J’s daughter saw him mistreating Princess on IG Live. The live stream showed their kids crying in the background, begging their dad to stop. This wasn’t the first time they’d seen this, but it looks like it was enough for the little girl to try to call the cops on her dad.

Ray J’s response? Instead of taking responsibility, he starts gaslighting his daughter, making it seem like nothing happened. “Dada never did nothing to nobody,” he says, trying to convince her (and the rest of us watching) that it was all just a misunderstanding. Oh, Ray J. 🙄

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He even tried to convince his daughter that they were just “making a movie.” Sir, this isn’t Hollywood, and manipulating your kid into thinking everything’s fine is just messed up.

Princess Finally Stands Up

For years, Princess Love has tried to handle things behind the scenes, but it looks like she’s finally had enough. After the latest drama involving their daughter, Princess put Ray J on blast, accusing him of doing to their kids what he’s been doing to her for years—gaslighting, manipulating, and creating a toxic environment.

She made it clear that she’s done playing nice, saying, “What you’re not going to do is traumatize, manipulate, and gaslight my kids when you can’t do it to me anymore.” 🙌

Finally, Princess seems to be taking steps to protect her kids from the same emotional and psychological abuse she’s dealt with for years. Hopefully, this time the divorce will stick, and she can move on to a healthier environment for herself and her children.

Will This Be the End?

As for whether this saga is finally over, only time will tell. But after four divorce filings and years of chaos, many are hoping Princess stays strong and doesn’t go back to Ray J this time. Internet folks are cheering for her and the kids to be safe from all the drama once and for all.

What do you think—will Princess finally walk away for good, or will this messy cycle keep repeating? Let’s hope she and the kids find some peace ✨. Share your thoughts below!

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