The Most Embarrassing Purchase You Can Make

Today on KFC Radio, KFC posed the question to Jackie wondering what her thoughts were on people who drove Cybertrucks. Her response? If you were a 10 aside from the Cybertruck you instantly go down to a 2 because of the Cybertruck and I absolutely see where she’s coming from with this one.

The Cybertruck itself is for sure a tough look. You’re driving around in a literal tank that’s impervious to all damage? Unless you’re the leader of a country or a massive celebrity you don’t need to be rolling around with that kind of armor…chill out dude. You're compensating for something and we all know what it is.

Aside from the car on its own though, the other issue is that I and everyone else in the world can paint the exact picture of the guy who owns a Cybertruck. Obviously he has Twitter (Sorry. X) notifications on for Elon because in our Cybertruck friend’s mind he’s the coolest guy walking planet Earth. He’s ALWAYS on the newest workout trend and is trying to force it on everyone else in his life. Same goes for the diet on this guy too, one week he’s all in on his juice cleanse and then the next week you’re gonna be hearing about why the carnivore diet is the only way you should be living. You also knew he was getting a Cybertruck since it was all he would talk about after ordering it 18 months in advance.

Just the most BRUTAL person imaginable. That is unless you’re this person and just so happen to listen to KFC Radio…it looks good on you though!

KFC also made the fantastic point that he’s never seen a girl in or around a Cybertruck. Free ball don’t lie shirt to the first girl that can prove she owns one. Also to that girl, my DMs are wide open. I’m intrigued.

KFC and Jackie also start a very compelling movement for why there needs to be justice for pushovers. Be sure to give it a listen.






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