Dumped Dog Mom’s Hidden Secret Shocks Rescuers, Sparking a Mission to Save Her.ThuHA

Not everyone’s life is sunny, and the poor dogs who are forced to fend for themselves on the street or, at best, spend their days in a dark and cold shelter know this best.

A Pit Bull named Bunny avoided such a fate because she became a full member of a loving family when she was a baby. Unfortunately, her life course soon completely changed when she was infected with tetanus, a rare life-threatening infection.

Then, her body completely froze, and not a single part, except her tail, moved anymore. Although her owners hoped for the best, the forecasts were bleak and everything pointed to the worst.

“Crazy Person”

injured dog lying with his toy

Considering her condition, Bunny’s parents had no other choice but to surrender her. They tried everything but nothing helped. These people believed that euthanasia was the only logical solution.

However, even though the situation was difficult, Bunny’s vet, Ali Thompson, did not want to give up on this dog so easily. Because of that, she decided on an incredible move – she brought sick Bunny home with her in order to take care of her.

“I decided that I was going to be a crazy person and do everything that I can to try and get her to survive,” Ali told The Dodo.

woman kissing dog in bathroom

The three weeks of intensive care for Bunny were the most difficult in Ali’s life. This dog literally needed non-stop care because she had constant convulsions and was in pain all the time.

Besides being physically exhausting for her, Bunny’s heartbreaking condition also broke Ali emotionally. Because of that, she spent many evenings crying from exhaustion and sadness.

sick dog with pink toy

However, what kept this brave woman alive and motivated her to keep going was the only part of Bunny’s body that could move.

“I’d walk in and her tail would just start working,” Ali said.

It was a sign that underneath the dark state that Bunny’s body was in, there was still a soul that radiated with joy and the desire to live.

Tears Of Joy

dog licking woman

After three dark weeks, the rays of the sun finally peeked into this home. Bunny was finally feeling better and it was only a matter of days when the happiest moment would happen.

One afternoon, it finally did. Ali saw a white dot moving through her yard, and then she could barely contain herself from screaming with happiness when she realized what it was. Still, she shed a tear of joy in honor of Bunny finally taking her first steps.

“I knew she had it in her,” Ali said out of sheer joy.

After that fateful afternoon, nothing could stop Bunny on the way to her complete recovery. It was exactly like that as she was soon running, jumping, and playing just like any other dog.

happy dpg running with other dogs on the grass

Although it was not in the original plan, after seeing her for the first time in this magnificent state, Ali decided to give this dog the happiest ending – she adopted Bunny.

Today, several years after these dramatic life events, Bunny lives a life full of happiness and love in her forever home and makes her mom over the moon every day.

young woman walking with dog in the park

From a “crazy person,” Ali turned into the happiest woman in the world, all thanks to her unlimited love for a being from whom everyone turned their heads when she needed people the most.

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