Elon Musk Calls for Boycott of DreamWorks Animation: “They’re Promoting Pride and Gone Fully Woke”

Elon Musk DreamWorks Animation Prides

In a series of tweets that turned heads and trended on every social platform, billionaire Elon Musk voiced his discontent with DreamWorks Animation, calling for an all-out boycott of the studio. DreamWorks, the company behind films like Shrek and Kung Fu Panda, recently drew Musk’s ire for a social media post celebrating Pride Month, which Musk says signals the studio’s full commitment to the so-called “woke agenda.” Musk, who has long been a vocal critic of “woke culture,” had some strong words to share.

“I’m all for acceptance, but the constant virtue signaling has gone too far,” Musk tweeted. “DreamWorks used to stand for creativity, laughs, and imagination. Now it’s all just rainbows and hashtags. They’re trying to teach kids political agendas. We can’t have it.”

DreamWorks Animation’s latest social media campaign included a series of posts featuring their iconic characters donning rainbow-themed attire in honor of Pride Month. Characters like Shrek and Fiona, along with beloved sidekick Donkey, were all presented with subtle rainbow additions to their costumes in posts that encouraged viewers to “embrace love and acceptance.” While most of the animation world applauded the campaign, Musk did not mince words in his response. He warned that such a move could have major ramifications on family viewership.

“Why does a green ogre need to have a rainbow patch?” Musk tweeted, questioning Shrek’s rainbow button. “They’re trying to ‘woke-wash’ our classic characters. It’s just sad.”

Musk quickly gained support from followers who agreed that characters like Shrek are sacred territory, and any deviation from their original design is unwelcome. Several fans posted side-by-side images of Shrek from the original Shrek movie, asserting that the ogre doesn’t need a rainbow accessory to be “accepting.”

One Musk fan tweeted, “Shrek was a lovable grump, a green ogre who learned to love and accept himself without all this extra ‘woke’ messaging.”

Musk’s next tweet drove the point home: “If DreamWorks thinks pandering will help them, they’re wrong. Boycott them! Kids’ movies should be fun, not platforms for pushing agendas.”

Following Musk’s posts, the hashtag #BoycottDreamWorks trended as fans and critics alike weighed in. Some pointed out the irony that Shrek, with its messages of self-acceptance and defiance against societal norms, arguably holds a message aligned with Pride. But this did little to sway Musk’s supporters. They rallied around the Tesla CEO’s stance, claiming that DreamWorks had crossed a line by “pushing political messages on kids.”

On Instagram, DreamWorks posted an unapologetic response that read, “DreamWorks is committed to inclusion, acceptance, and making all our fans feel seen and appreciated. We believe in creating worlds where everyone belongs.” They concluded the statement with a series of rainbow emojis, further irking Musk and his followers.

In a lengthier post on X (formerly Twitter), Musk elaborated on his disdain for “woke culture” infiltrating family entertainment. He called it “corporate virtue signaling gone wild” and likened DreamWorks’ approach to a marketing gimmick rather than a genuine stance. “If companies genuinely care about these issues, they should make actual changes in their corporate culture, not just put rainbow filters on their logos for one month of the year,” he wrote.

As many know, Musk is no stranger to calling out corporations that align themselves with progressive movements. He recently blasted other companies for similar moves, including a well-known ice cream brand for its Pride Month promotions. His stance has galvanized followers who believe companies have strayed too far from providing pure entertainment or goods, turning everything into a “political platform.”

Amidst the public uproar, DreamWorks remained silent for most of the initial backlash. A few anonymous DreamWorks employees, however, were quoted saying that the Pride campaign was something they felt strongly about and worked on with full support from higher-ups.

One insider reportedly told The Hollywood Insider, “We anticipated some backlash, but Elon Musk’s reaction took things to a whole new level. We’re just trying to make our movies inclusive and show our support for our diverse fanbase. No one here expected it to become a Twitter war.”

Despite the criticism, DreamWorks also found a significant portion of the public standing by their campaign. Many social media users expressed their support for DreamWorks’ commitment to inclusivity and questioned why Musk was so outraged by a fictional ogre’s rainbow pin.

One fan tweeted, “Shrek teaches kids to accept themselves no matter what. Isn’t that what the Pride rainbow is all about?”

In his final posts on the matter, Musk took aim at parents directly, urging them to “demand better” from companies producing entertainment for children. “Our kids deserve content that is free of agendas,” he posted. “Let kids be kids and let movies be movies.” He went on to question how far companies will go to align with political movements and warned parents to “think twice” about where they spend their money.

“Your ticket sales fuel the machine,” he tweeted, “If we keep supporting companies that cave to every trend, we’ll just keep getting more of the same.”

The #BoycottDreamWorks movement has picked up significant steam, with countless fans taking to social media to express their agreement with Musk’s stance. Some even began compiling lists of DreamWorks competitors who had not embraced any social messaging, promoting them as better choices for families looking for “uncomplicated” viewing experiences. Despite the calls for boycotts, DreamWorks Animation issued a response reaffirming their commitment to inclusivity and creative expression.

“We stand by our values and our commitment to our diverse audience. Our films will always reflect the world we live in, encouraging acceptance and respect for all. DreamWorks will continue to create content that resonates with viewers of all backgrounds,” the statement read.

Not one to let a boycott fizzle out, Musk has vowed to continue spotlighting companies he views as guilty of “virtue signaling.” Following the DreamWorks dust-up, Musk hinted at expanding his boycott recommendations to include more studios and family brands. “They’re pandering to trends instead of delivering genuine content,” Musk said.

“Families deserve entertainment, not indoctrination. The fight’s just beginning,” Musk tweeted ominously. With Musk now taking aim at entertainment giants like DreamWorks, it’s likely this won’t be his last public battle over what he perceives as the “woke” takeover of children’s media.

While DreamWorks is weathering the boycott with the support of inclusivity advocates, Musk’s critique has opened a broader conversation about the role of corporations in social movements, raising the question: Where is the line between representation and “virtue signaling?”

NOTE: This is SATIRE, it’s not True.

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