Justin Bieber EXPOSES How The Hollywood Elite Are Trying To Sacrifice Diddy (VIDEO) Full story 👇

Justin Bieber EXPOSES How The Hollywood Elite Are Trying To Sacrifice Diddy (VIDEO) Full story 👇

Diddy slept with everyone…ewww, he is nasty why would anyone want to sleep with that.

Poor young Justin didn’t have a chance.

But here is the thing, Usher is just as culpable as Diddy, why would he send Justin to him, to be abused? and then ask him if he delivered all that he said he would!!

Stay strong, Justin. U WILL overcome this toxic experience with Diddy. It’s part of growing up, fighting ur way thru snakes Ur past bushes w/the law make so much sense now. Ur just getting started. Ur new tracks are fire!! Hoping ur mgmt & fam are steering u past future predators, cuz ur golden.

Of course diddy will be sacrificed thats how a deal with the devil always ends…. Diddy had his fun and now its time to pay the piper.

Why isn’t anyone mentioning or asking why is an adult as big as diddy trying to hang out with a young kid wanting his number asking why he’s avoiding him.

Yes thank you for addressing that. As I watched his home being raided I thought how in the world was this a sneak attack and nobody knows anything, yet the news media was there and had already set up shop?? SMH.

Not sacrifice,you mean shut him up,keep him quiet so everyone dont get exposed,they should just say that, the Truth! All the higher ups,and law and government new everything along time ago,but they ALL are involved they all serve the same entity!

Meek Mill cooling his arse ring in the pool because it’s hotter than a blacksmiths hammer.

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